It’s 2024 - we cannot pretend that 2020 was nothing.

We cannot go back to business as usual. We will not.

What happened to us in 2020 is no small thing.

Of course, we’ve all experienced these last few years differently. Some were more traumatic than others, but everyone was affected in some negative or nefarious way. You can just sense it in the air. Ask anyone in your midst, in the waiting room next to you, at the gas pump, or in line at the grocery store. If we would dare to put our phones away and purpose to talk to people again, we would know this to be true.

Back in 2020-2021, Children were (in large part) used and abused by first the lockdowns and mask usage, and then the vaccine mandates. We all were. Our livelihoods were threatened. Wanted to go to a family member’s graduation or wedding? How about visit your grandparents or sit with someone close to you while they were in the hospital? Well, you couldn’t. 

Didn’t want the experimental jab? Well, you were castigated as a terrible person and deserved to die yourself. Late Night Talk Show hosts on Network Television told us how they were all thinking: “Vaccinated person having a heart attack? Yes, come right in, we’ll take care of you. An unvaccinated guy who gobbled horse goo? Rest in peace, wheezy.” – Jimmy Kimmel. I still cannot believe that garnered a laugh.

The attitude throughout the country was so evil it nearly choked you.

We cannot forget or grant amnesty to those who threatened us, our loved ones, and especially our children. They have not apologized. They are not contrite. They don’t even think they did anything wrong. Which means they will do it again when prompted.

Covid 19 was an attack, and we all sense that more attacks are on the way.

Trump rightly withdrew us out of the World Health Organization and, with contempt for America, our captured government has us right back there now. The Pandemic Treaty by the WHO is constantly threatening our sovereignty and future.

Do we have anyone who will stand up to that? Who will call for investigations and prosecution for those who exacted democide upon us? Who will stand up to the powers that be and say NO!!?!! 

We the people. We the people will. We the people are rejecting the systems that seek to control and destroy us.

We the people are demanding a shift in the system, the narrative and the solution.

We must send people to OUR Federal District who clearly understand the signs of the times. Send people who are discerning, and can daily recognize the lies and propaganda in our faces. Send people who will stand up and say NO!

If we send enough of these types of Americans, as our founders intended, we will experience the shift we desperately need. 


It was Samuel Adams who noted, “If ever the time should come when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”

My friends, I believe that time has come—the time when each of us must choose to stand and fight.

Fight tyranny at every level! 

Fight back the power brokers who want to hold onto their fiefdoms!

Fight back on Rich Men North of Richmond who just get richer! 

This is not just my fight. This is Andrew Breitbart’s fight. This is Ronald Reagan’s fight. This is your fight. This is our Fight!

Your part:

It’s time we Fight back and send a true fighter! It’s time to March Forth. On March 4th, call ten people you know, and then call another ten! (Ten for the Tenth) Then on March 5th, go out and Vote Brooke McGowan as Your Congressional Representative!